Rajat Mudgal

“Dreams are not what you see in your sleep they are the things that don’t let you sleep”

Dreams transcend the realm of sleep; they embody relentless aspirations that keep one awake with passion and ambition. These persistent visions, far from nocturnal illusions, drive individuals to pursue their goals ceaselessly.   STORY TIME: Discovering Dream Essence Once upon a moonlit night in the small town of Reverieville, lived a young dreamer named Sammy….

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“When things start to get hard, try to persevere through the adversity”

In challenging times, perseverance becomes a guiding light, urging us to navigate through difficulties. It’s a reminder that strength emerges when faced with adversity. Instead of succumbing to challenges, embrace them as opportunities for growth. The path may be tough, but perseverance fuels resilience, turning obstacles into steppingstones towards success. So, when the going gets…

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“Don’t wait for good things to come without doing anything. Don’t leave your life on luck without working for success”

Take charge of your destiny; don’t passively wait for success.Proactively pursue your goals instead of relying on luck. Life’s victories require effort, not mere anticipation. Act with intention, for waiting may lead to missed opportunities. Success is earned through hard work, not by chance.   STORY TIME : Waiting for Rabbit Daydreams of a Rabbit…

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“It is crucial to empty your mind first, creating space for fresh perspectives and comprehensive understanding.”

Stay humble, open to new ideas, willing to change preconceptions, and receptive to learning. Despite your knowledge, acknowledge that there’s more to learn. Master the art of unlearning to embrace new knowledge. Preconceived ideas and prejudices hinder the perception of truth.   STORY TIME : Empty Your Cup Quest for Zen Wisdom Once, there was…

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“Allowing the darker side of you to prevail is simpler than resisting it”

While surrendering to the darkness within oneself might seem easier, confronting the black wolf inside can be tempting. The path of least resistance often leads to succumbing to negative instincts and impulses. However, real strength emerges from the bravery to resist, as the struggle against internal shadows moulds one’s character. Choosing to confront the black…

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“Your belief matters. If you think you can do something, or if you think you can’t, you’re correct.”

There are opportunities everywhere. When approached with mindfulness, an array of possibilities will unfold before you. It all starts with that optimistic attitude. You will find the right people; you will move in the right circles, and you will ‘bump’ into the right solutions. There is always a positive and a negative perspective on everything…

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“Life should be lived looking forward, but understood by reflecting backward.”

In today’s competitive environment, everyone has a growing demand for careers and jobs. People have busy schedules to achieve their goals in their professional lives. It’s essential to maintain a good work-life balance. Spend some time with your family and friends.   STORY TIME : Prioritising Family: A Challenging Choice In the face of challenges,…

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“We should concentrate on the positive aspects and consider things with completeness.”

Everything Happens for Good Whatever occurs throughout everyday life, occurs for good. Each occurrence in life has an association with future occurrences, which we can’t see at that time. We are simply ready to relate it back once that associating future episode occurs. At the point when we associate those previous episodes, we understand their…

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“How high you climb depends on how you approach things, not just on your natural skills.”

“You’ll be prosperous in life. The most significant factor in life is our attitude, which affects both our personal and professional lives. The wonderful thing about attitude is that it allows us to reshape our mentalities and, hence, our lives.   THE STORY: A Beachside Tale: Colorful Balloons The Balloon Vendor’s Beachside Haven A man…

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“Everyone has problems, but don’t let your problems cause you to lose your happiness.”

Life is a journey fraught with difficulties and problems. On the other hand, obsessing over these difficulties might obscure the happiness of the present. It’s important to identify problems without allowing them to steal your joy. If you put effort into it and maintain an optimistic outlook, you can deal with issues without endangering your…

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